Monday, July 8, 2013

Flowers and Mulch

I love the way flowers and mulch brighten up a yard. The mulch makes a flower bed so much more noticeable and professional looking. Of course, are plants still have a lot of filling in to do, but it looks a lot better.

I got a bunch of flowers at Wal-Mart on clearance. Three of the plants are perennials, so if I can keep them alive I won't have to keep replanting every year! Here's what I got:

The pink flowers were called "Hot Pink Jazz", but I think they were Wave Petunias mixed with something else. They were $2.99 each and they went into the hanging pots. They were nice because they just popped right in to my existing pots. No planting required! These are the only annuals I got.

The brownish plant are Hens and Chicks and they were $2.68 The ones to the left of those are Upright Stonecrop. I got 2 of those. They were $1.66 each. They are starting to bloom now and they are yellow which is perfect against the front door. The last one at the bottom is actually a shrub - Japanese Pieris for $2.88. That is going to go behind our lilies where another shrub died.

My son loved helping me plant these! Here's how they look now:



 And, we planted these 2 weeks ago and they are still alive! I think all this rain has been their saving grace. I really hope I can keep them alive!

You can see in the picture above to the right that I had started laying landscaping fabric in our other flower bed. We made the mistake of mulching last year without laying anything down. The grass just took back over. So this year we took the time and laid the fabric. It looks so great with fresh mulch!

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